Visit of a traditional Camargue Farm and discovery of the traditions

Discover traditional Camargue Farms and traditions
When it comes to discover such a beautiful and wild land as Camargue during your holidays if you want to know better the local traditions, the best way is to visit a traditional Manade! But what is this? This is a big farm and cultivation territory. One of the main activities is animal rising such as Bulls and horses. They are mostly used for Camargue bull-races, horse riding competitions, local festivities and acrobatics. Camargue is not only a place known for its exceptional marshland and salt manufacturing or even for its many medieval sites: Just come with your family or friends and you will enter into a world of traditions and also discover more about the work in the farm and with the animals. Come to visit these places where human being tends to adapt and try to tame nature.
Let’s do it easy! In the local language, a Manade is a big farm where the main activity is the animal rising, mostly bulls and horses for the races, bulls’ local festivals, horse riding for equitation or strolls along the seaside. A “mas” is often a bigger place which more dedicated to agriculture, there’s often a wine cellar, a shed and a sheepfold. All around the mas and manades, there was little houses of local cowboys known as “gardians”. They oversaw watching the bull's herds. Most of their traditional houses are still up or built for tourism. You can easily find them, they are small, white and have a red roof.
Manades are very surprising places. Among all the local traditions, one is called the “ferrade” (iron marking). This tradition is made to mark the young calf of one year with the sign of the owner.
This ceremony is a very festive moment and the occasion of eating a local Camargue meal as well. A good occasion to gather, laugh, savour and have fun!
The most known and popular of all these traditions is the bull's races. Some golden coins are tied to the bull’s horns or forehead, and young people called “raseteurs” have to run around the animal they call the “biòu” (a bullock/steer in provençal language). The competition is divided in 3 parts, with a different award/trophy every time. Beware! Camargue races ARE NOT Spanish corridas!
There is no animal killing, but animal also receive an award : the “Biòu d’Or”. Obviously, this award is very wanted because it brings a lot of fame to the bull’s owner. Some of these animals were so impressive that they were dedicated a statue. The arrival on the racing place is called “abrivado”. Happening in the end of the morning, the “gardians” ride a horse, and they command the bulls. This is a spectacular acrobatic show you cannot miss, and sure you will enjoy it !! The « gardians », both men and women, are the one who make the manade live. Many of them are amateurs and passionate people.
Formerly, the work of the “gardian” was to watch the herd and work at the farm. Always riding a horse, the “gardian” is also armed of a little trident that permits to jab the bulls trying to escape away. These traditional people are nowadays part of Camargue Heritage, such as, the white horse, the bulls and the Camargue race.
This ceremony is a very festive moment and the occasion of eating a local Camargue meal as well. A good occasion to gather, laugh, savour and have fun!
The most known and popular of all these traditions is the bull's races. Some golden coins are tied to the bull’s horns or forehead, and young people called “raseteurs” have to run around the animal they call the “biòu” (a bullock/steer in provençal language). The competition is divided in 3 parts, with a different award/trophy every time. Beware! Camargue races ARE NOT Spanish corridas!
There is no animal killing, but animal also receive an award : the “Biòu d’Or”. Obviously, this award is very wanted because it brings a lot of fame to the bull’s owner. Some of these animals were so impressive that they were dedicated a statue. The arrival on the racing place is called “abrivado”. Happening in the end of the morning, the “gardians” ride a horse, and they command the bulls. This is a spectacular acrobatic show you cannot miss, and sure you will enjoy it !! The « gardians », both men and women, are the one who make the manade live. Many of them are amateurs and passionate people.
Formerly, the work of the “gardian” was to watch the herd and work at the farm. Always riding a horse, the “gardian” is also armed of a little trident that permits to jab the bulls trying to escape away. These traditional people are nowadays part of Camargue Heritage, such as, the white horse, the bulls and the Camargue race.
Visit a Camargue manade is always a new adventure, fun and magical. An experience to live in between friends, family or in couple. Far from a busy and stressing city life, farmers welcome you with a lot of pleasure and happiness are pleased to share a moment, their way of life and local traditions with visitors. The Farm visit : o Speak with a farmer and be told about the traditions of the land, and meet the gardians o Horse riding show o Visit of the farm o Traditional lunch in the manade o Guided stroll in the beautiful village of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer It is not every day you have the luck to see free bulls staying on their fields, and much more, on a fabulous land as Camargue. This sumptuous land of 150 000 hectares in between the land and the sea is protected as biosphere by UNESCO.
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